Be aware of how you feel. Adjust your self-care to meet your changing needs. When you’re feeling sad, tired or stressed, you may need more self-care.
Did you know 42% of pregnancies aren’t planned? That’s why all women who could become pregnant should take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid every day.
Can’t afford healthy food? Sign up for other programs like . Find a local food pantry for more .
Set healthy eating goals using the app.
Aerobic: Anything that gets your heart rate up.
Strengthening: Activities that work your muscles harder than usual.
Make a that includes activities for when you are alone, and when you are taking care of your baby. You can start small with just five minutes of activity. It all adds up!
WIC offers education, counseling and resources to help moms overcome challenges and achieve their breastfeeding goals. Call your WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor anytime for support.
Watch a funny movie or TV show.
Exercise, eat healthy and get enough sleep.
Spend quality time with others who make you smile.
Say, “no thanks” to unnecessary stress and enjoy some time for yourself!
If you feel sad or anxious for more than two weeks, talk to your healthcare provider. Get help right away if you have thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby.
The choices you make today will affect your family’s health now and in the future. Unhealthy habits, like alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other drugs can harm your family’s health.
Women who breastfeed often want to know which substances can pass through breast milk to their infant.
It’s usually easier to prevent disease than it is to treat it.
Talk with your healthcare provider about preventive care tests and vaccinations for you and your family.